The District has specific responsibilities under these two laws, which include identifying, reviewing and, if the child is determined to be eligible, affording access to appropriate educational accommodation.
Additionally, in accordance with State and Federal mandates, the District seeks out, assesses and appropriately services students with disabilities. Staff members use a comprehensive child study process to systematically screen, assess and, if appropriate, place students in special education and related services. Students are entitled to a free appropriate public education in the "least restrictive environment.".
A student can access special education and related services through the proper evaluation procedures. Parent involvement in this procedure is important and required by Federal (IDEIA), A.D.A. Section 504) and State law. If a parent would suspect their child would have a disability and inform a district staff member, the staff member will contact the relevant staff (Special Education Supervisor, Director of Pupil Personnel, building principal, and the building guidance counselor) when an evaluation request is received. The district will, within 30 days or receipt of a request for an evaluation from either a parent of a child or a public agency, either obtain parental consent for an initial evaluation or provide to the parent prior written notice stating that the school district does not suspect a disability and will not be conducting an evaluation. Also, a parent may contact the Director of Pupil Personnel or the Special Education Supervisor at (937) 325-7615 to inquire about making a request for a special education evaluation procedures concerning the identification process (IAT/RTI) programs, and services provided for identified children.