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Special Education

Our Mission

Provide students with disabilities with high-quality individualized instruction which provides them with the skills they need to succeed independently and be contributing members of their community.

The Northeastern Local School District (NELSD) recognizes that our exceptional students' academic, social-emotional and physical well-being is the driver for all decisions. Each child is a unique learner with strengths and weaknesses that drive his/her educational journey. Therefore, the special education and related service staff continually strive to support our students in experiencing success.


Office Contact Information

Special Education Department
Northeastern Local Schools
4435 Bosart Road
Springfield, OH 45503

Board Office Phone: (937) 325-7615
Board Office Fax: (937) 328-6592

Mr. Steve Linson
Director of Pupil Personnel 

Ms. Robyn Callicoat
Special Education Supervisor

Image: Robyn Callicoat, NELSD Special Education Supervisor

Ms. Robyn Callicoat
Special Education Supervisor
Phone NE: (937) 328-6575 ext. 3281 Google Voice Phone: (937) 568-1745

Special Education Forms & Documents