Intra-District Open Enrollment Policy Guidelines
The Board of Education believes that whenever possible students should be permitted to attend their school of choice within the District. Guidelines for the transfer of students, based upon criteria established by the school administration and in conjunction with recommendations from the Ohio Department of Education, are as follows:
A. Parents requesting to have their children attend an alternative school in the District for the next school year must submit an application for this placement between April 1st and June 30th each calendar year to the Superintendent.
B. Applicants may be rejected for one or more of the following reasons, as provided by Section 3313.97 of the Ohio Revised Code:
1. If grade level/course capacity reaches reasonable accepted limitations:
a) These limitations shall take into consideration the special education students being mainstreamed into regular classrooms.
b) Administration reserves the right to add or reduce classrooms as dictated by enrollment to minimize busing of students from one elementary attendance area to another. These changes will be made prior to the processing of transfer requests.
2. If a student enrolled or living in the attendance area of a school building would have to be displaced;
3. If a student has been suspended or expelled for ten (10) or more consecutive days during the school year in which the application has been made; and/or
4. If minority balance of either the sending or receiving school would be negatively impacted, then the Superintendent shall have individual discretion in this matter.
C. To maintain continuity of programs and prevent displacement of students from their school or residence, students must remain in the new school the entire year. An application for transfer is approved for only one year.
D. Parents shall be notified by the Superintendent of the application acceptance or rejection by August 1st of each calendar year. No transfers will be granted after this date until the next open enrollment.
E. Transportation of students transferred at parental request shall be the sole responsibility of their parents/guardian; however, existing bus routes may be utilized when convenient to assist parents in the process if space exists.
F. Students receiving special education services will continue to be assigned to schools where the services specified in the student’s individualized education program are available.
G. The Superintendent may, if ordinary extra circumstances exist, allow a transfer outside the open periods listed above.
In concert with OHSAA Bylaw 4-7-3, a voluntary transfer by a student-athlete from one school within the Northeastern Local School District to another within said district will be governed by the OHSAA Bylaws.
Students can make a choice of a school to attend when advancing from grade 8 to grade 9, but there would be a one year period of athletic ineligibility if a transfer was made at any other time after beginning grade 9.
Exceptions are as follows:
A. If the parents or legal guardian change residence from one public school to another.
B. If the Superintendent enters into a written agreement in order to protect the student’s physical and/or mental well-being (and said agreement is approved by the OHSAA Commissioner);
C. The school closes.
In addition, students entering grade 7 will be governed by the intra-district transfer policy throughout grades 7 and 8. Upon completion of grade 8, all students will be subject to the provisions set forth by the OHSAA in Bylaw 4-7-3, and this intra-district transfer policy.