NELSD Preschool Handbook
2024-25 NELSD Preschool Handbook
Parent Letter
Dear Parents,
The Northeastern Local School District staff is excited to begin a new school year. We welcome the opportunity to work with students and their families and sincerely hope that this year will be a positive and enriching opportunity for all.
Our program provides age-appropriate education for children ages three to five years old that are typically developing or have special needs. This education is guided by the Ohio Academic Content Standards for Early Learning and School Readiness and is accessible to parents on the Ohio Department of Education website. Students with special needs also receive appropriate speech, physical, and occupational therapy as determined by the IEP team.
Northeastern Local School District staff members are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services and participate in continuous professional development throughout the year. The Ohio Department of Education also visits each preschool classroom annually for licensure inspection. Compliance reports are posted in each classroom.
The Northeastern Elementary Preschool is a Special Education Preschool Program. There are two classrooms located at Kenton Ridge Elementary and Northeastern Elementary, each made up of 16 students (at full capacity-8 typical students and 8 students identified with disabilities) per classroom. The Ohio Department of Education sets these parameters, and the District is not allowed to exceed them unless there is specific permission from the Ohio Department of Education.
This handbook has been prepared to serve as a resource for parents. Many questions you may have about the daily operation of our program will be answered in this handbook. If you do have a question or concern, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or me. Each person working with your child is looking forward to the coming year.
Steve Linson
Director of Pupil Personnel
Northeastern Local Schools
General Operating Procedures and Notifications
General Operating Procedures and Notifications
- Preschool Building Information
- Regular Preschool Hours
- Two-Hour Delay Schedule
- Preschool Not in Session/Calamity Days -Weather Related
- Preschool Philosophy
- Preschool Goals
- Parental Involvement
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Child Information
- Preschool Registration (Enrollment & paperwork to be completed on FinalForms)
- Snacks
- Attendance
- Sick Children
- Immunizations
- Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Recess
- Supplies
- Transportation & Field Trips
- Diapering
- Diapering Policy
- Toileting Needs
- Developmentally Appropriate Program and Materials
- A Typical Preschool Day
- Reporting Periods
- PBIS/Behavior Management
- Building Inspections
- Child Transition Meeting Process/Policies and Procedures
- Concerns/Complaints About ODE Licensed Programs
- Preschool Fees
Preschool Building Information
Kenton Ridge Elementary
2613 Moorefield Road
Rob Shaffer, Principal
Northeastern Elementary
140 West Main Street
Lori Swafford, Principal
Preschool Staff
Steve Linson Preschool Director
Stephanie Sturgeon KR/ES Preschool Teacher
Emily Schafer KR/ES Preschool Teacher
Jane McKeever NE/ES Preschool Teacher
Morgan Gourley NE/ES Preschool Teacher
Tara Slagle KR/ES Preschool Paraprofessional
Kristin Crankshaw KR/ES Preschool Paraprofessional
Michelle Helterbran NE/ES Preschool Paraprofessional
Traci McDaniel NE/ES Preschool Paraprofessional
Rachael Harvey Preschool Psychologist
Carrie McGuire Mental Health Therapist
Casey Patton Behavior Specialist
Rita Fincham Occupational Therapist
Julia Cook Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
Lori Phillips Physical Therapist
Lindsay Brumfield KR Speech Language Pathologist
Sandra Winter NE Speech Language Pathologist
Feel free to access the Northeastern Local School District Preschool Webpage by clicking here.
Regular Preschool Hours
Two-Hour Delay Schedule
Preschool Not in Session/Calamity Days -Weather Related
Preschool Philosophy
It is the philosophy of the Northeastern Local School District Preschool Programs to provide children with a foundation of developmentally appropriate experiences where children are encouraged to learn and be successful in a safe and nurturing environment. The learning experiences serve as a bridge between home and the school setting to channel their natural enthusiasm and curiosity to set the stage for future learning.
We believe that each child is a unique individual and that all children can learn. Our preschool programs provide an inclusive setting that recognizes children’s varied abilities, interests, needs, and learning styles.
We recognize that parents are the child’s first teachers. Children learn best when parents are involved in their educational programs. The primary bridge between home and school is the involvement of family and community. We believe children learn best through meaningful play. Our play-based, child-centered program reflects the integration of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, language, self-help, and aesthetic areas for the total development of the child. Open-ended, center-based play encourages curiosity, discovery, and problem-solving which allows individual growth and development of a positive self-image.
Preschool Goals
The goals of the Northeastern Local School District Preschool Program are to:
- Provide preschool experiences that are developmentally appropriate for students who are 3 through 5 years of age.
- Identify the needs, abilities, and interests of each child.
- Develop and implement an appropriate instructional plan for our children.
- Provide a caring, enabling, and enriching environment that encourages growth through independence.
- Assist and support families in establishing a strong foundation of basic academic and social skills.
- Monitor, assess, and report the progress of each child during the school year (3 checkpoint periods).
- Facilitate a smooth and effective transition for each child into an appropriate program for kindergarten-aged children.
Students who are being transported to school by their parents or another caregiver should be at school by start time or they will be considered tardy. Parents transporting their children to school must follow building guidelines for arrival and dismissal. Please send a written note to school with your child any time there is a change in transportation.
Parental Involvement
Parental involvement in the student's education is encouraged and appreciated. Positive parent participation and feedback in the classroom can occur through attending parties, guest reading, parent surveys, assistance with centers, and many other ways teachers may suggest. Any parent of a child enrolled in the program will be permitted unlimited access to the school during its hours of operation to contact the child and evaluate the care provided by the program, the premises, or for other purposes approved by the director or principal. Upon entering the premises, the parent will sign into the office. It is suggested that arrangements for visits be made in advance whenever possible, especially when you wish to speak with teachers, therapists, or administrators.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Child Information
Physicals must be obtained within 30 days of your child’s enrollment and updated 13 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THE EXAMINATION, thereafter. The medical statement can be provided by a physician, a physician’s assistant or a clinical nurse specialist, or a certified nurse.
It is the responsibility of the parent to have the following information on file in the school office no later than the first day of attendance.
Preschool Registration (Enrollment & paperwork to be completed on FinalForms)
All forms must be updated and on file for our preschool programs. When a child is new or returning to our program, you will need to enroll or update their student account in FinalForms and complete the additional forms on the Northeastern Preschool Webpage.
The forms you will complete/update in FinalForms before attending school are as follows;
- New Student Registration Process
- Contact Information
- Demographic Information
- Additional New Student Information
- Request for Student Records
- Health History & Medical Profile
- Medications
- Injuries & Hospitalizations
- Past & Ongoing Health Conditions
- Emergency Medical Authorization
- Transportation Information
- Acceptable Use Policy
- Movie Release Form
- FERPA Opt-Out Notice
- Student Media Release
- Field Trip Permission
- Preschool Oral Health Assessment
- Child Medical Statement
- Development and Education Goals for Step Up to Quality
- Preschool Federal Poverty Guidelines
Each preschool classroom serves a snack to students daily. NE Preschool classroom snacks are planned according to ODE guidelines. They are as follows:
- Snacks shall be of quality and quantity to supplement food served at home so that the daily nutritional needs of the child are met in accordance with the required daily allowance as prescribed by the US Department of Agriculture.
Parents may provide snacks for birthdays, parties, and fun activities. Parents are encouraged to provide snacks with good nutritional value, and all snacks must be store-bought and in the original, sealed container. Please contact the teacher to ensure there are no food allergies and that an alternate snack can be provided.
It is very important to begin establishing a routine for your child and attending preschool is a wonderful opportunity to begin this. Preschool meets Monday through Thursday, with no classes held on Fridays. If your child will be absent for any reason, please call the school to inform us of this absence. Parents must notify the school of an absence by calling the office between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. for morning students or between 7:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. for afternoon students. Also, send in a note explaining the absence when your child returns to school. It is highly encouraged that your child attends preschool on a consistent basis. If you would choose to withdraw your child from the preschool program, please contact the building secretary.
Sick Children
3301-37-11 B2/Symptoms of Illness
NELSD preschool staff will work with parents and school nurses to ensure that each preschool classroom is a healthy environment. Since illness is easily spread among young children, we ask that a child displaying any symptoms of any illness, such as a temperature or severe cold symptoms, remain at home rather than attending school. If a child displays severe symptoms while at school, parents will be contacted and expected to pick the child up from school early. A child should be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school. The following guidelines have been provided by the Ohio Department of Education to assist parents in determining if a child should be kept home for illness: A child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall be immediately isolated and discharged to his parent or guardian. If these symptoms occur at home, please keep your child home because of illness:
- Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool within a twenty-four-hour period)
- Vomiting one or more times with other symptoms
- Severe coughing causes the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound, coughing that won’t stop, coughing that is distracting to the learning process.
- Difficult or rapid breathing
- Yellowish skin or eyes
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye) Must be on antibiotics for 24 hours (bacterial) and/or no longer have yellow/green drainage (viral)
- The temperature of one hundred degrees Fahrenheit when in combination with other signs of illness without the use of fever-reducing medicines
- Untreated/undiagnosed infected skin patch (es)/ rash (es)
- Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool
- Stiff neck
- Evidence of lice, nits, scabies, or other parasitic infestation.
- Symptoms such as yellow/green drainage from eyes/nose/ears
Students may return to school once the symptoms have improved and they are fever/vomiting/diarrhea free for 24 hours or have been on antibiotics for 24 hours or a doctor has released them to return to school.
3301-37-11/Reasons to isolate and discharge at some point during the day.
A child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall be immediately isolated from other children. Decisions regarding whether the child should be discharged directly or at some other time during the day shall be determined by the director and the parent or guardian. The child, while isolated at the program, shall be carefully watched for symptoms listed in paragraph (B) (2) of this rule as well as the following: (a) Unusual spots or rashes;(b) Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing; (c) Elevated temperature; or (d) vomiting.
3301-37-11 B5/ Isolating and Discharging an Ill Child
A child isolated due to a suspected communicable disease shall be: (a) Cared for in a room or portion of a room being used in the preschool program; Within sight and hearing of an adult at all times. No child shall ever be left alone or unsupervised; (c) Made comfortable and provided with a cot. All linens and blankets used by the child shall be laundered before being used by another child. After use, the cots shall be disinfected with an appropriate germicidal agent, or, if soiled with blood, vomit, or other body fluids, the cots shall be cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected with an appropriate germicidal agent; (d) Observed for the worsening condition; and (e) Discharged to parent, guardian, or person designated by the parent or guardian as soon as practical.
3301-37-11 C5 Notification to Parents: Exposed to Communicable Disease
Each program shall have a written policy concerning the management of communicable diseases. The policy shall include, at a minimum, procedures for notifying all parents of enrolled children who are exposed to a diagnosed communicable disease such as pink eye, ringworm, chicken pox, or lice.
3301-37-07 D4 Medication Administration Requirements
Legislation enacted in 1984 (Senate Bill 262) requires that a form is on file (Preschool and School Age Child Care Medication Form) at the school for school personnel to dispense any prescription or non-prescription medication. This includes such things as sunscreen or diaper lotion. No medications of any type can be given unless the appropriate form is on file in the office. A form can be picked up at the office or from the teacher. Each time medication is administered, a written record or log including dosage, date, and time shall be made. That record or log shall be kept on file for one year. Only employees who are health professionals or who have completed drug administration training may administer medication under section 3313.713 of the Revised Code. Medication shall be stored in a designated locked storage place, except drugs requiring refrigeration shall be kept in a refrigerator not accessible to children.
Ohio Revised Code requires all children to be immunized before beginning school. Written evidence must be submitted that a child has been immunized against mumps, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, rubeola, and rubella. If parents object to immunizations for “good cause,” a written statement must be presented to the school. Parents must supply the school with written documentation of immunization before the beginning of school.
Ohio Revised Code requires all children to be immunized before beginning school. Written evidence must be submitted that a child has been immunized against mumps, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, rubeola, and rubella. If parents object to immunizations for “good cause,” a written statement must be presented to the school. Parents must supply the school with written
documentation of immunization before the beginning of school.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
It is recommended that your child has the following school supplies:
- See School Supply List
- Change of clothing
- Diapers if appropriate
Please send in a spare set of clothes to be kept here at school in case of toileting accidents or spills. Please include underwear and socks. Mark each item of clothing with your child’s name.
Transportation & Field Trips
Transportation will only be provided as arranged by the school district. No child will be transported privately by a preschool staff member.
Field trips may be arranged by the teacher, principal, or director. District-arranged transportation and/or parent transportation may be used for these trips. From time to time children may participate in a field trip. Parents must provide written permission and will be informed of time, place, and transportation arrangements. Field trip participation is at the discretion of the parents. If your child will not participate, regular preschool programming will not be available that day. The preschool will schedule a field trip for the Fall and Spring. No child will be transported without a signed transportation authorization on file at the office.
Typically, children are developmentally ready to be toilet trained between the ages of two and three. Children in the process of being toilet trained at home are supported with this in our preschool classrooms. Parents are encouraged to communicate with teachers about the status of their child’s development in this area. If a child is not toilet trained, our preschool classrooms do follow ODE requirements about diaper changing. These rules can be obtained at or upon request from the classroom teacher.
The use of potty chairs in the program shall be provided in accordance with all of the following:
- Potty chairs shall not be located in areas used for food preparation or serving or in areas not normally used for diaper changing or toileting.
- Potties shall be emptied, cleaned, disinfected, and rinsed with water after each use. The rinsing solution shall be disposed of in a toilet, not a sink.
- Disposable cloths used for cleaning potties shall be used once and disposed of in a plastic-lined covered receptacle. Reusable cloths shall be stored in an appropriate germicidal solution and held for laundering for no longer than one day.
Diapering Policy
- The changing of diapers will occur in a space that contains a hand-washing facility.
- The program shall provide disposable gloves for diapering; however, the use of hand sanitizer does not preclude the requirements of proper handwashing.
- When changing at a central diapering station, there shall be some type of disposable material between the child and the changing table surface. The material shall be discarded and replaced after each change.
- The diaper-changing area will be disinfected after each diaper change with an appropriate germicidal agent.
- A clean diaper supply will be readily available in a specific area.
- During the school day, soiled clothes will be placed into a plastic bag, sealed tightly, stored away from the rest of the child’s belongings, and out of reach of the children and sent to the parent.
- Soiled diapers to be disposed of by the program will be placed in a plastic-lined covered container which will be emptied, cleaned, and disinfected with an appropriate germicidal agent daily or more frequently as needed.
- Any product used during diaper changing on more than one child shall be used in such a way that the container does not touch the child. Any product obtained applied to a child shall be applied in such a manner so as not to contaminate the product or the container. Common containers shall be cleaned and disinfected with an appropriate germicidal agent when soiled.For the purpose of diapering, topical ointments and creams provided by parents shall fall under the same policy as all other prescription and non-prescription medications. Please see the medication policy.
- Diapers or clothing used during diaper changing and brought from the child’s home shall be stored in a space assigned exclusively for each child’s belongings. Soiled clothing and/or diapers shall be sent home daily.
Toileting Needs
- Unless handicapping conditions or health conditions exist, preschoolers will be toilet trained or attempts will be made upon admission.
- Disposable gloves, disposable mats, and a closed container for the disposal of diapers shall be provided at each site.
- All preschool staff members shall wash their hands with soap and running water after each diaper change or after assisting a child with toileting.
- Disposable towels or an air hand dryer shall be available at all times.
- Preschool staff members will assist with care for all toilet needs until the child is able to do so without being reminded or assisted.
Developmentally Appropriate Program and Materials
The instructional approach in preschool center-based classrooms is based on developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education, as described by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. This work links early development research, with regard to how all children learn, to a “best practices” approach. We believe that high-quality early childhood programs provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of young children while responding to the needs of families.
The concept of developmental appropriateness implies age appropriateness and individual appropriateness. This recognizes predictable sequences of growth, the individual pattern, the timing of growth, and individual differences in personality. While Northeastern Local School District provides a learning environment that integrates typically developing peers with special needs children, there is a need to consider the varying ability levels within the classroom. Exceptionality appropriateness recognizes the patterns of needs and abilities that are characteristic of various developmental delays or disabilities. It is our goal to blend developmentally appropriate practices with age, individual, and exceptionality needs.
The Creative Curriculum has been adopted by the Northeastern Local Board of Education will be used to assist in the implementation of developmentally appropriate activities in the classrooms. The curriculum will be aligned with the Ohio Early Learning and Developmental. The areas of the Content Standards are Approaches Towards Learning, Cognitive Development, Creative Development, Language and Literacy, Mathematics, Physical Development and Wellness, Science, Social Studies, and Social and Emotional Development.
Indoor and outdoor play spaces used by the students will contain furniture, materials, and equipment of appropriate size and nature. Play materials to be used by the students will be arranged in an organized manner so that they may select, remove and replace materials with minimal assistance. Activities and materials will be planned and implemented with the Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards and the student's strengths and needs in mind. Activities and materials will be selected to meet the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs of the children.
A Typical Preschool Day
Each preschool teacher plans the daily schedule and activities in each preschool classroom. While each classroom has a different routine and setup, they both incorporate best practices into the lesson planning and play activities. Each teacher will integrate the following activities into the school day.
- Discovery time / free play: Student-initiated discovery and play is not only developmentally appropriate but also provides opportunities for students to learn many needed skills. Discovery time / free play invites the children to select from many meaningful learning centers. These centers may include a writing center, block area, dramatic play center, math and science centers, and sensory activities. Each of these centers allows children to initiate their own learning while interacting with problem-solving, exploring, and creating. Your child’s teacher will be capturing information and collecting data from the free play as every station has a purpose and objective based on the preschool early childhood standards.
- Circle time: Teachers use circle time to introduce new topics, reinforce topics already taught, and incorporate routine into each child’s day. Circle time activities include calendar and weather time, music and fingerplays, reading multiple books, gross motor activities, student sharing, language activities, and many more age-appropriate activities.
- Snack: Snack provides another wonderful opportunity for students to initiate interactions with their peers and adults in a less structured setting. It also allows teachers to discuss the importance of manners and healthy eating.
- Your child’s teacher will be capturing information, taking notes, collecting samples of writing (s) and drawing (s), and taking photos/videos throughout the year. They will compare the information collected to what research tells us of what can be expected of children of similar ages. Also, the teacher will use the information to support your child’s learning and meet his/her individual needs.
Reporting Periods
Your child’s teacher will be capturing information, taking notes, collecting samples of writing (s) and drawing (s), and taking photos/videos throughout the year. They will compare the information collected to what research tells us of what can be expected of children of similar ages. Also, the teacher will use the information to support your child’s learning and meet his/her individual needs. There will be two reporting periods throughout the school year and a report will be sent home at the end of each period.
1st Reporting Period: End of First Semester
2nd Reporting Period: End of Second Semester
PBIS/Behavior Management
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports". The state of Ohio has adopted this framework for behavior management. One of Northeastern Local Schools' district initiatives is to implement PBIS support in all buildings. Each classroom teacher is responsible for behavior management within his or her classroom. These behavior management plans will include motivations for appropriate behavior and consequences for inappropriate behavior.
- No discipline will be delegated to any other child.
- No physical restraints or seclusion will be used during behavior management to confine a child by any means other than an adult holding a child for a short period of time, such as in a protective hug, so the child may regain control. No child shall be placed in a locked room or secluded in an enclosed area, such as a closet or box.
- No child shall be subjected to profane language, threats, or derogatory remarks.
- Discipline shall not be imposed on a child for a failure to eat, sleep, or having toileting accidents.
- Techniques of discipline shall not humiliate, shame, or frighten a child.
- Discipline shall not include withholding food, rest, or toilet use.
- Separation, when used as a discipline, shall be brief in duration and appropriate to the child’s age and developmental ability. The child shall be within sight and hearing of a staff member.
Building Inspections
Child Transition Meeting Process/Policies and Procedures
Transitions are a natural part of the preschool experience. To support children in successfully transitioning from one classroom or program to another, the district has formalized the transition process. When a transition between classrooms is anticipated, the child’s current teacher will be in contact with the parent to discuss the upcoming transition. The teacher will invite the parent to participate in a meeting to discuss the upcoming transition. If feasible, the receiving teacher and the Preschool director) will identify strategies to support the child in making the transition, discuss any factors that may impact the transition, and discuss the timeline for the transition.
The teacher will document the discussion and transition on the NELSD Preschool Transition Planning Meeting Form & JFS 01381. The parent and receiving teacher will each be given a copy of this form.
If a parent is not able to or does not wish to attend a transition meeting, the child’s current teacher will make recommendations as to strategies to support the child in transitioning and send a copy of the NELSD Preschool Form to the parent. Parents are offered the opportunity to provide feedback to the teacher in writing or via phone if they are unable to attend.
Concerns/Complaints About ODE Licensed Programs
Parents who have a concern about their child’s education or classroom should contact their child’s teacher to discuss this concern. The only exception to this would be a complaint concerning transportation. For transportation complaints, contact the Transportation Office. If an educational issue remains unresolved after speaking to the teacher, please contact the building principal.
You may also contact the Ohio Department of Education at 1-877-644-6338 or fill out a Serious Risk Reporting Form. The Ohio Department of Education is responsible for investigating complaints or grievances. These numbers are also posted in the Preschool classroom.
Preschool Fees
The peer program is funded by the tuition of $125 per month for the morning and afternoon classes. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month (September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, and May). The first payment will be due on September 1st.
Accounts must be current on the first day of each month and must remain current. If you are 30 days late on a payment, your child will be withdrawn from the preschool. Deductions will not be made for a child’s absence due to illness. There also will be no deductions for family vacations; we have vacation time already in our school schedule.
No payment will be accepted by the teachers: payments are due to the financial secretary in each building. Mrs. Krista Lingrell, Northeastern Elementary School, and Mrs. Susie McKinniss, Kenton Ridge Elementary School. Checks can be made out to Northeastern Elementary School or Kenton Ridge Elementary (Depending on where your child attends). Please put your child’s name on all checks.