Swatting Hoax at KRHS on 3.21.23
Swatting Hoax at KRHS on 3.21.23
Swatting Hoax at KRHS on 3.21.23
Dear NELSD Families,
Earlier today, Tuesday, March 21, 2023, the Clark County Sheriff’s Office received a call about an active shooter at Kenton Ridge High School. The Sheriff’s Office immediately responded out of an abundance of caution and conducted a room-by-room search of the school. They did not find anything in their search. Everyone is safe, classes resumed as usual for students and athletics will go on as planned tonight.
We believe this to be an incident of "swatting," or a false report of an active shooter on a school campus. The swatting call is sent to a local law enforcement agency which then initiates a response. States across the U.S. have experienced similar mass swatting attempts this school year, including a few other schools in Ohio today. The FBI is currently investigating these “swatting” hoaxes.
We are extremely grateful to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office and all other emergency responders for their immediate response to Kenton Ridge High School. From what we saw today, it is clear that our emergency response procedures were carried out properly by our students, employees, and law enforcement officials.
A deep and sincere thank you to our Kenton Ridge students, employees, and families for your patience as law enforcement responded. Thank you for entrusting the Northeastern Local School District to educate and keep your children safe.
As a reminder, we encourage our students and school community to report anything that could constitute a threat to school safety by calling (937) 568-7117 and selecting option 7 or by clicking here to access our Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying and Title IX Online Referral form. In addition, we have a dedicated School Resource Officer (SRO), Deputy Tyler Reaver, and we work closely with Clark County Sheriff’s Office leaders and officers to assist in these situations.
For school safety tips, please click here to read this article by the National Association of School Psychologists.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
John Kronour, Ph.D.
Northeastern Local School District